Questionnaire for applicants for the position of
Director, Friday Morning Music Club Chorale
- Why are you interested in this position?
- What are your most relevant credentials for it?
- What type of music would you like the Chorale to sing? List some examples.
- What advantages/disadvantages do you see in performing traditional chorale works (e.g., the Brahms German Requiem) vs. lesser known and more modern pieces?
- What steps do you envision need to be taken to rebuild the Chorale, in particular addressing the number of singers, the quality of performances, and the size of the audiences?
- What are your expectations for what the the Chorale would be like once it has been rebuilt?
- How many concerts would you like to perform each year and how many rehearsals do you think would be necessary for each?
- If selected as a candidate for the position, are you available to conduct a workshop to be held on January 11, 2014? (That's the first scheduled date; other workshops will take place later in 2014 (tentatively March, May, & July).)